Hello bloggers, today i want to tell you about my experience writing on this blog.
The truth is that at first i did not have much faith in the blog, but when I realized that I it helped me a lot to practice my wraiting in english, the bloggstarted to like me a lot.
The topics that i liked the most were the followind; a photograph, a job, a free post, a holiday, and a journey. But among them the best for me were the top three. A photograph, becouse i could tell about a very special place for me; a job, becouse i could talk about something i loved doing and a free post, becouse i could tell my experience of a concert by an artist that i admire and creator, in my opinion of a enjoyable music.
During these months, doing this blog, i have been able to learn a lot, especially new words and grammar. Since my childhood I have had the experience that writing you learn a lot, but now when i did it in english i realized how true it was.
(to be conntinued)
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